Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Slackin on the blog - BLOGをサボった

The top is part of a weekly enviro shindig my buddy Adrian hit me up for.
The second is some recent sketch pages.
The bottom 2 is a fan art of Zen from the movie Chocolatethai movie) and also a work flow I usually go with. Done in Sai.
Been so busy, I've been neglecting my blog. I really need to continue since it helps with writing in Japanese.


Anonymous said...

どうも! Chingyiです

beautiful sketch!
I love the expressions and nose bleed is an awesome touch. LOL.
I really miss drawing with you guys >_<

how is Japan?

Marco said...

I really like your blog! :) *already follows it*
What I find really interesting, is your style. The perfect combination of western and japanese style.
All the facial expressions on this sketch sheet are just wonderful. So believeable! I still struggle a bit with this and it seems so effortless in your sketches... I hope for more sketches soon! Would be an inspiration for me! :)