Showing posts with label fashion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fashion. Show all posts

Thursday, February 10, 2011

I made a piece of clothing! Striped jersey top.

First I did a design sketch, then my Kayo helped me with adjusting the pattern for cutting the fabric.Using the sewing machine and serger was challenging. Mainly with keeping the stitch straight. It may be hard to see in the pics but the stitching is a bit jagged! lol. Thanks for helping me make this Kayo! I hope to make more in the future.


<PIXIVのコンテスト投稿作品です。Pixiv contest entry

<スタイルの練習。Paint practice

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Fashion/Influence map

This is a painting I did as a Christmas present for Kayo.  Inspired by Vermeer's "The Astronomer"

Possibly starting something new with fashion. I may try various styles to see what fits.
Part of a meme on Deviantart. It was quite nostalgic to take look at the things and people that influenced me. Friends and teachers played a big part in this as well. 

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Workflow + Work

3 Days ago I posted progress of my workflow on my Twitter account. You can check it out at the following links.
進度 Progress

I think its safe to post this now. This is some of the current freelance work Ive been doing. More to come.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Otacool x TGS x 孫悟飯

Pixiv x OTACOOL4 contest entry.
wtf Japanese to English!

Bowl cut Gohan for no reasons...

I went to Tokyo Game Show by myself on Sunday. The lines were hella long so I didnt feel like waiting. There were so much more people compared to when I went 2 years ago.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

more情熱 less悲観

I've realized that I really like women's fashion. Maybe I shouldn't do it too much?

This was fun

Demitri did it!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Droppin a Duce......

My hunger to improve has come back but I have very little time to practice.

Next 2 are studies from photos

Train stuff

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

busy busy busy... 忙しすぎて...

..but making some time for draws...


Train stuff

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Its been waaaay too long. When I got back from Bali, I started on commissions which kept me pretty busy. Here are some below. You can check out more at my deviantart site.

This one is an artrade done with my buddy Justin aka Darkfong.

More train sketches

Ill post some pics of Bali laters. Time to make more draws!