Saturday, January 22, 2011

Commissh jylz 'n' things

最近すごく忙しいんだけど、この前に友達と一緒にゲームセンターに行って、スーパースト4AEをやった。普段はゲームセンターに行くと、格闘ゲームしかやらないんだけど、今回は他のゲームもやった。ダリアスバーストは超面白かった。四人同時にできるし、画面は長くて、見やすい。メタルギアーアーケードもやったけど、3Dを見てて、ちょっと頭痛がした。これからは出かける時、カメラを絶対持っていく。 写真がないとよんでても、よく分からないよね。
Been quite busy with work these days but I hit up an arcade with my buddy a bit ago and dove into so some more SSF4 AE! If I go to the arcade I usually just play fighting games but we tried some others this time around. Darius Burst was hella fun! Its like the typical 2d shooter but its 4 players on two wide-screens! I also tried Metal Gear Arcade but the 3D gave me a headache. Its kinda whack talking about this without pics haha. I need to start carrying my small camera at all times.

Various Commission work.

Studies from pics
Meme created by Robaato. Turn yourself into a SF character!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Comic jyles and others

An 8 page comic. Reads from left to right.

 ^I wrote the story a little over 2 years ago but I didnt start on making the final pages until last year. 
 ^これはempersandの バーチャルバンドのキャラクター達。
Set of commissions for empersand's virtual band.
^more junks

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Fashion/Influence map

This is a painting I did as a Christmas present for Kayo.  Inspired by Vermeer's "The Astronomer"

Possibly starting something new with fashion. I may try various styles to see what fits.
Part of a meme on Deviantart. It was quite nostalgic to take look at the things and people that influenced me. Friends and teachers played a big part in this as well.