先週末はつらかった。13日僕たちの´プカ’と呼んでいるフェレットが亡くなった。プカは何か硬いものを食べて、消化しなくなった。家内はプカが獣医に連れて行って、手術する予定だったけど、前に亡くなった。僕達のアパートはフェレットにとって安全に足りないと思う。今後悔しながら、反省している。 寂しい Last weekend was rough. Our Ferret Puka passed away on the 13th. It seems he had eaten something hard that made it difficult for him to digest. Kayo had taken him to the hospital on Friday and was scheduled for a an operation but he died right before the operation. I dont think our apartment was as ferret proofed as we thought it was. We regret that we were not as cautious as we should have been. We have a lot to reflect on. We had him cremated on the next day.
^今日出かけた時、新しいスケッチブックを買いたかったけど、買わなかった。スムーズな紙が入っているスケッチブックを見つけにくいみたい。今の使っているスケッチブックは新宿で買ったから、たぶんそこに行かなきゃ。 While I was out I looked for a new sketchbook but couldn't find what I was looking for. Its difficult to find a hard cover, spiral bound, smooth paper sketchbook in Japan. They always have everything but the smooth paper. The one Im using now I bought in Shinjuku so I guess I'll just have to go back there.
^背景を描くことがまだ上手じゃないから、課程を保存した。 Still having troubles with painting so I saved my process.
^E3で本当のICOチームの新しい開発ゲームを放送した。グラフィックはすごくレベルアップしたんだけど、前の化け物の顔のほうがかわいい。でもいや、このゲームは確かにいいとおもう。 The ICO team showed the real version of their upcoming game at E3. It received a pretty heavy facelift from before but the monster kinda lost his cuteness. Ah well, this game will definitely be awesome!
最近ゲームをやりすぎかな。WipeoutHDとPixeljunkEdenをやってて、両方のグラフィックと音楽に感動した。でも、一番やりすぎはストリートファイター4のオンライン対戦だ!終われない! Maybe I've been over gaming these days. Been enjoying WipeoutHD and Pixel Junk Eden which both have some wicked graphics and sic music to go along with the experience. But the one game I've been playing too much is Street Fighter 4! Online never ends!!
^左上のページは電車で描いたんですが、他のページが写真屋で描いた。 The upper left page was drawn on the train but the other pages were sketches of a photoshoot. Kayo is up in ma books!
^色の練習ものです。 Colour studies.
東京でゲーム会社に入社した。家から仕事まで1時半くらいかかる。色んなことを習ったり、楽しいんだけど、ちょっと疲れてきたので、自分の描く量がだんだん下がった。もっと上達したいから、頑張らなきゃ。 Im now working at a small game company in Tokyo. It takes about an hour and a half to get there. Its a nice place to work and Im learning many new things but I've become so tired, I haven't been drawing much. I still want to improve so I'll just have to do my best.